Plot: Paro Wars is a turn-based strategy video game produced by Konami on September 1997 in Japan only. It features characters and conflicts based upon the popular Parodius series of video games which in turn is a parody of the long running Gradius series. Wikipedia
Plot: Sexy Parodius is a 1996 horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Konami. It is the fifth installment of the Parodius series. Like the rest of the series, it is a parody of the Gradius series and other Konami games. It also contains sexual level and enemy designs, as well as risqué innuendo...
Plot: Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius, known on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation as Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius ~forever with me~, is the fourth game in a series of parody shooters produced by Konami. The gameplay is stylistically very similar to the Gradius series, but the graphics and music are intentionally absurd...
Plot: Gokujo Parodius Pursuing the Past Glory, also known as Fantastic Journey, is a 1994 horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published by Konami. It is the third entry in their Parodius series, itself a parody spin-off of their Gradius series. Wikipedia
Plot: Parodius! From Myth to Laughter, released outside Japan as Parodius, is a shoot 'em up arcade video game and the second title in the Parodius series produced by Konami. The European SNES version is also known as Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy. Wikipedia
Plot: Parodius: The Octopus Saves the Earth, or referred to as just Parodius, is a scrolling shooter video game developed by Konami for the MSX computer and was released in Japan. The game is notable for being the first title in the Parodius series, although it is often confused with its sequel Parodius!...