Plot: Paro Wars is a turn-based strategy video game produced by Konami on September 1997 in Japan only. It features characters and conflicts based upon the popular Parodius series of video games which in turn is a parody of the long running Gradius series. Wikipedia
Plot: Solar Assault is a three-dimensional shoot 'em up released by Konami in 1997. A spin-off of the long running Gradius series, the title retains most of the gameplay characteristics of its 2D counterparts including the same powerups and display system. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmic Wars is a turn-based strategy video game produced by Konami in 1989 which is based upon the characters and conflicts of the popular Gradius series. It was released only in Japan. The game received a sequel in 1997, with Paro Wars, which is the Parodius equivalent of this game. Wikipedia
Plot: Gradius Advance is a horizontally scrolling shooter handheld video game developed by Mobile21 and published by Konami in 2001. It was released later in the same month in the United States as Gradius Galaxies and in 2002 in Japan as Gradius Generation. It is the only Gradius title available for the...
Plot: Gradius ReBirth is a shoot 'em up video game for WiiWare developed by M2 and published by Konami. It is the latest installment in the Gradius series, and was released in Japan on September 2, 2008, and in North America on March 9, 2009, and in the PAL regions on July 3, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Salamander 2 is a 1996 horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published in Japan by Konami. It is the direct sequel to Salamander and the third game in the Salamander series, which itself is a spin-off of the Gradius franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Nemesis 3: The Eve of Destruction is a 1988 computer game, developed and published by Konami exclusively for the MSX platform in 1988. It was only released in Japan and Europe. The game is part of the long running Gradius series of side-scrolling shooters and is a spin-off of Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou...