Plot: Super Dodgeball Brawlers, originally released in Japan as Chou Nekketsu Koko Kunio-kun Dodgeball Bu is a dodgeball-based sports game released for the Nintendo DS. This game marked the return of Kunio-kun characters in a dodge ball based on the characters owned by Million. Wikipedia
Plot: River City Soccer Hooligans, known in Japan as Kunio-kun no Chō Nekketsu! Soccer League Plus World・Hyper・Cup Hen is a sports game for the Nintendo DS. It was developed by Avit-Niigata, and published by Arc System Works in Japan on May 27, 2010, and in North America, published by Aksys Games on...
Plot: River City Ransom, later released as Street Gangs in the PAL regions, is an open world action role-playing beat 'em up video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by Technōs Japan and originally released in Japan on April 25, 1989. Wikipedia