Plot: Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka is a belt-scrolling action game developed by Almanic and released by Technos Japan Corp. exclusively in Japan for the Super Famicom in 1994. It was the fourth game in the Kunio-kun series released for the Super Famicom and was developed by Almanic. Wikipedia...
Plot: River City: Tokyo Rumble is a beat'em up in the River City series published by Natsume in the west. It is most similar to River City Ransom with RPG-like mechanics and doing jobs to learn new moves. It also features a 4 player arena and dodgeball modes that use download play. Wikipedia
Plot: Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge, released in Japan as Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal is a 1992 sports game for the NES by Technos Japan Corp. A Game Boy version of the game was also released in Japan only. Wikipedia
Plot: Crash 'n the Boys: Ice Challenge, known as Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu: Subette Koronde Dairantou in Japan, is a sports/fighting game for the Nintendo Entertainment System released in 1992 and developed by Technos. The game was only released in Japan.
Plot: Double Dragon II: The Revenge is a side-scrolling beat 'em up produced by Technōs Japan originally released as a coin-operated arcade game in 1988. It is the first sequel to Double Dragon, released during the previous year. Wikipedia