Plot: The Last Bounty Hunter is a live-action laserdisc video game released by American Laser Games in 1994. Like almost all of the games produced by the now-defunct company, it is a rail shooter and, like the two installments in the Mad Dog McCree series before it, is set in the Old West. Wikipedia
Plot: Mad Dog McCree is the first live-action laserdisc video game released by American Laser Games. It originally appeared as an arcade game in 1990. It gained considerable attention for its live-action video style, bearing similarities to contemporary Hollywood westerns. Wikipedia
Plot: Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold is a live-action laserdisc video game produced by American Laser Games, released for the arcade, Sega CD, 3DO, CD-i and DOS, the first release being in 1992; the quality of the video is the lowest on Sega CD. Wikipedia
Plot: Attack of the Movies 3D is a rail shooter for the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360. The game transports players into six movie-themed worlds where they will battle large alien space cruisers, shoots underwater monsters and more, only to discover the reason these movies come to life. Wikipedia