Plot: Groovin' Blocks is a puzzle video game for Wii by Empty Clip Studios. It was released in North America on September 8, 2008 as a downloadable WiiWare game. It also released as an expanded retail of the game in North America on August 11, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Dancing with the Stars: We Dance! is a video game based on Dancing with the Stars. It is the sequel to the original Dancing with the Stars game. It is on Activision's Wee 1st label. The game's subtitle, We Dance, was derived from the Namco-Bandai games; We Ski and We Cheer, also for the Wii. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral is a puzzle game, released for the Nintendo DS in 2010. The game is a environmentalist-themed version of Bust-A-Move. At one point, it was going to be published by Phoenix Games under the title Coral Savior .