Plot: Inu no Osanpo, is a dog walking simulation game developed by Wow Entertainment and published by Sega for the Sega NAOMI arcade system in 2001. Players walk a virtual dog by walking on a treadmill and control the pet with a leash attached to a plastic dog in front of the player. The game was only released...
Plot: Virtua Quest, known in Japan as Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation: Ambition of the Judgement Six, is a Virtua Fighter spin-off title co-developed by TOSE and Sega AM2, and published by Sega for the GameCube and PlayStation 2 video game consoles. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmic Smash is an arcade game for the Sega NAOMI arcade system, later ported to the Dreamcast console. It is a futuristic combination of squash and Breakout, and is a single player game. It is one of the few Dreamcast games to be released in a DVD-style case, rather than a jewel case. Wikipedia
Plot: TNN Motorsports HardCore Heat, known in Japan and Europe as Buggy Heat, is an off-road racing video game for the Dreamcast, developed and published by CRI, and published by ASC Games and Sega in 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no BishΕ is a survival horror video game developed and published by Koei for the Sega Dreamcast. It was released on January 20, 2000, in Japan. Plans for a western release were planned but later cancelled. Wikipedia