Plot: Virtua Fighter Kids is an installment in the Sega AM2 Virtua Fighter fighting game series. A super deformed version of Virtua Fighter 2, it was released in the arcade and on the Sega Saturn in 1996. Unlike Virtua Fighter 2, it was developed on the ST-V board. Wikipedia
Plot: Decathlete, released in Europe as Athlete Kings due to a licensing issue, is an track and field themed arcade game. On its unveiling, the gaming media generally described it as a modern clone of Daley Thompson's Decathlon. Released in 1996, it was developed and produced by Sega. Wikipedia
Plot: Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt, known in Japan as Puzzle & Action: Nidoarukoto wa Sand-R, and as Puzzle & Action: Sand-R, is a puzzle video game released for the Sega Titan Video in 1995, and ported to the Japanese Sega Saturn by CSK Research Institute Corp. in 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Astra Superstars is a 1998 2D versus fighting arcade game illustrated and designed by SANTACLAUS, developed and published by Sunsoft, and distributed by Tecmo in Japan on June 6, 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Steep Slope Sliders is a game that was made for the Sega Saturn and Sega Titan ST-V arcade system, published in 1997. It was developed by a collaboration of Victor Interactive Software, and the Cave Company. The game was released by Victor Interactive Software in Japan and by Sega in other territories...