Plot: Phantom of the Kill is a mobile strategy role-playing video game developed by Fuji&gumi Games and published by Gumi for iOS and Android mobile phones and tablets. First released in Japan on October 23, 2014, this game features gameplay similar to the Fire Emblem series of video games. Wikipedia
Plot: War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a tactical role-playing game co-developed by Square Enix and Gumi Inc. and published by Square Enix for iOS and Android devices. It is a spin-off of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius that draws inspiration from the Final Fantasy Tactics series of games. Wikipedia...
Plot: Brave Frontier is a Japanese mobile role-playing game developed and published by A-Lim, originally for Apple's iOS and later for Android and Kindle Fire. It was first released in Japan by A-Lim on July 3, 2013, and later released worldwide by Gumi Asia on December 13, 2013. Wikipedia
Plot: Granblue Fantasy is a Japanese media franchise and a role-playing video game developed by Cygames for Android, iOS and web browsers, which first released in Japan in March 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Arknights is a tower defense mobile game developed by Chinese developers Studio Montagne and Hypergryph. It was released in China on 1 May 2019, and worldwide on 16 January 2020 by Yostar. Arknights is available on iOS and Android platforms and features gacha game mechanics. Wikipedia