Plot: Monster Strike is a mobile Japanese role-playing physics game with elements of puzzle, strategy and cooperative multiplayer. It is developed by XFLAG for iOS and Android platforms. The game was created by former Capcom game designer Yoshiki Okamoto. In Japan, its name is often shortened to MonSt. Wikipedia...
Plot: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a free-to-play role-playing game developed by Alim and published by Square Enix for iOS, Android and Amazon Fire devices. A spin-off of the Final Fantasy series, the game marks as the first collaborative effort between Square-Enix and Alim. Wikipedia
Plot: Dragon Quest Walk is an augmented reality role-playing video game developed by COLOPL and published by Square Enix. It is a free-to-play entry in the Dragon Quest series and was released in Japan on 12 September 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: The Thousand Noble Musketeers is a Japanese smartphone game developed by Line Games and Marvelous Entertainment, where players collect and fight with various anthropomorphized guns. It was released on Android and iOS devices in March 2018. Wikipedia