Plot: Super Fantasy Zone was the last addition to the Fantasy Zone series of video games and was released for the Sega Mega Drive. It was originally released in Europe and Japan but not in North America. The latter would eventually receive the game in the form of a Virtual Console release on July 21, 2008...
Plot: Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa is a Sega Master System game created by Sega in 1987. It was later ported to the arcade, Famicom, and MSX, and was remade for the System 16 hardware on a PlayStation 2 compilation in 2008. It was re-released on the Wii Virtual Console in North America on June 29...
Plot: Arena/Maze of Death is an isometric action video game created by Eden Entertainment Software for the Sega Game Gear. Players have to play the role as a one-person mercenary squad who is trapped in heavily guarded and deadly areas with the primary goal of surviving. Wikipedia
Plot: Factory Panic, originally titled Ganbare GorubΔ«, is an action game developed by JSH Co. for the Game Gear handheld game console, and published by Sega in 1991. In Brazil, Tec Toy retitled the game to Crazy Company. Wikipedia