Plot: Madō Monogatari is a series of first-person dungeon crawler role-playing video games by Compile. The first game was released in 1990 for MSX2. Sega published the Game Gear remakes based on 1-2-3. The characters of this series would later be used in the puzzle game Puyo Puyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Lunar: Sanposuru Gakuen is a role-playing video game in the Lunar series released for the Sega Game Gear in Japan in 1996. Since then, no international versions or translations have officially been released, though an unofficial English translation was released in 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is a video game developed by Compile Heart for the PlayStation Vita. It is based on the original Madou Monogatari released in 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Madō Monogatari is a series of first-person dungeon crawler role-playing video games by Compile. The first game was released in 1990 for MSX2. Sega published the Game Gear remakes based on 1-2-3. The characters of this series would later be used in the puzzle game Puyo Puyo. Wikipedia