Plot: Eberouge is a video game developed by Fujitsu and published by Takara on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation in Japan in 1997. It is a dating sim game with similar gameplay and graphical representation to Konami's Tokimeki Memorial. Wikipedia
Plot: Palais de Reine is a PC videogame that was released on November 10, 2006 and was later released on PlayStation 2 on October 18, 2007 from Interchannel. It was published in English through the Steam platform for PCs on June 18, 2020 by Degica. It could be considered both a strategy game and an otome...
Plot: Full House Kiss is a shōjo manga as well as a PlayStation 2 Otome Game. The manga was created at the same time as the video game, and was drawn by Shiori Yuwa and published in Hana to Yume & The Hana to Yume. The video game used the same character designs and plot in a love simulation published by...
Plot: Dead Connection is an arcade game released by Taito in 1992. The game takes place on September 5, 1953 in a big city somewhere. It features a group of detectives who set out to fight a crime family. Wikipedia
Plot: Kurayami no Hate de Kimi wo Matsu is an otome game developed by Witchcraft and published by D3 Publisher for Nintendo DS, released on October 22, 2009 in both a standard and a limited edition version. Wikipedia