Plot: Eberouge is a video game developed by Fujitsu and published by Takara on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation in Japan in 1997. It is a dating sim game with similar gameplay and graphical representation to Konami's Tokimeki Memorial. Wikipedia
Plot: Full House Kiss is a shōjo manga as well as a PlayStation 2 Otome Game. The manga was created at the same time as the video game, and was drawn by Shiori Yuwa and published in Hana to Yume & The Hana to Yume. The video game used the same character designs and plot in a love simulation published by...
Plot: Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo!! is an otome game originally released in 2006 for the PlayStation 2. A manga adaptation has been made, and the manga is published in English by Yen Press as Ugly Ducklings Love Revolution. There are also drama CDs based on the story. Wikipedia
Plot: Kurayami no Hate de Kimi wo Matsu is an otome game developed by Witchcraft and published by D3 Publisher for Nintendo DS, released on October 22, 2009 in both a standard and a limited edition version. Wikipedia
Plot: Palais de Reine is a PC videogame that was released on November 10, 2006 and was later released on PlayStation 2 on October 18, 2007 from Interchannel. It was published in English through the Steam platform for PCs on June 18, 2020 by Degica. It could be considered both a strategy game and an otome...