Plot: Sky Racket is a video game developed by Brazilian indie game developer Double Dash Studios. Originally named RacketBoy, the development began in 2015 at Indie Vs Gamers, a 72-hour game jam hosted by Game Jolt. The game was featured on PAX East 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Long Gone Days is a dystopian role-playing video game for Windows, OSX and Linux, being developed by BURA. The original demo was written, developed, and illustrated by Camila Gormaz. It features the first hour of the story, and was released for Windows and OSX on May 13, 2016. The game was released...
Plot: The Darkside Detective is a 2017 video game developed and published by Spooky Doorway. It was released on 27 July 2017. A limited run of 5,000 physical copies for the Nintendo Switch was released on 26 September 2019. Wikipedia