Plot: Sky Racket is a video game developed by Brazilian indie game developer Double Dash Studios. Originally named RacketBoy, the development began in 2015 at Indie Vs Gamers, a 72-hour game jam hosted by Game Jolt. The game was featured on PAX East 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: The Darkside Detective is a 2017 video game developed and published by Spooky Doorway. It was released on 27 July 2017. A limited run of 5,000 physical copies for the Nintendo Switch was released on 26 September 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Grimm's Hollow is a 2019 freeware, indie adventure role-playing video game for Microsoft Windows. It was released on Steam and on Halloween by the developer ghosthunter, running on RPG Maker 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Heartbound is a role-playing video game developed by American indie developer Pirate Software. The game centers around a boy who deals with depression, anxiety, and fear as he embarks on a journey through different locations in search of his dog, Baron. Wikipedia