Plot: Madō Monogatari is a series of first-person dungeon crawler role-playing video games by Compile. The first game was released in 1990 for MSX2. Sega published the Game Gear remakes based on 1-2-3. The characters of this series would later be used in the puzzle game Puyo Puyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Madō Monogatari is a series of first-person dungeon crawler role-playing video games by Compile. The first game was released in 1990 for MSX2. Sega published the Game Gear remakes based on 1-2-3. The characters of this series would later be used in the puzzle game Puyo Puyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is a video game developed by Compile Heart for the PlayStation Vita. It is based on the original Madou Monogatari released in 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Madō Monogatari is a series of first-person dungeon crawler role-playing video games by Compile. The first game was released in 1990 for MSX2. Sega published the Game Gear remakes based on 1-2-3. The characters of this series would later be used in the puzzle game Puyo Puyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Puyo Puyo BOX is a puzzle video game compilation developed by Compile for the PlayStation. It is Compile's last Puyo Puyo game before Sega, previously only owning the character rights, fully obtained the rights to the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Puyo Puyo~n, also known as Puyo Puyo 4, and Puyo Puyo~n Party is the fourth installment of the Puyo Puyo puzzle game series, created by Compile for the Dreamcast, PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color. Like many of the Puyo Puyo games, it was never officially released outside Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Puyo Puyo, previously known as Puyo Pop outside Japan, is a series of tile-matching video games created by Compile. Sega has owned the franchise since 1998, with games after 2001 being developed by Sonic Team. Wikipedia
Plot: Puyo Puyo Sun is the third installment of the Puyo Puyo games series, and the sequel to Puyo Puyo 2, made in 1996 by Compile. After the highly acclaimed success of its predecessor, Compile took a slightly more retro approach, so players had a more original feel to the game over that of 2. Wikipedia