Plot: Penguin Land, known as Doki Doki Penguin Land Uchū Daibōken in Japan, is a Master System game published and developed by Sega and is the second game in the Doki Doki Penguin Land series. Wikipedia
Plot: Girl's Garden is an action game developed and published by Sega for the SG-1000 console in 1984 or 1985. The game follows a girl as she gathers flowers to win the love of a boy. It was the debut work of Sega programmers Yuji Naka and Hiroshi Kawaguchi. Wikipedia
Plot: Hi no Tori Hououhen is a 1987 video game for the MSX2 developed by Konami, produced alongside a similarly named game for the Famicom. Both games are based on the series and story arc with the same names. Wikipedia
Plot: Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park is a 1984 action/platform game based on the Cabbage Patch Kids franchise. It is the first and only game in the Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures series. Wikipedia
Plot: Borderline is a 1981 arcade game by Sega. The player controls a Jeep and has to destroy enemy refineries. There are four stages with different gameplay. The first stage plays like a vertically scrolling shooter. Wikipedia