Plot: Chrysler Classic Racing is a racing game developed by British company Extra Mile Studios and published by Zoo Entertainment for the Wii and the Nintendo DS. It was released in North America on November 18, 2008. It is the first video game to exclusively feature Chrysler automobiles for the Wii and...
Plot: Classic British Motor Racing is a racing video game developed by budget developer Data Design Interactive. It was published by Bold Games in North America in early 2008, and in PAL regions 2 4 months later. Wikipedia
Plot: Bigfoot: Collision Course is a 2008 monster truck racing game featuring the Bigfoot, widely regarded as the first monster truck. The game features three vehicle categories: light monster trucks, pro stock monster trucks and pro modified monster trucks, with differing course configurations for each...
Plot: Build 'n Race is a video game developed by British studio Icon Games Entertainment and published by Zoo Games for the Wii. It was released on August 4, 2009 in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Groovin' Blocks is a puzzle video game for Wii by Empty Clip Studios. It was released in North America on September 8, 2008 as a downloadable WiiWare game. It also released as an expanded retail of the game in North America on August 11, 2009. Wikipedia