Plot: Digimon: Anode/Cathode Tamer is one of two Digimon WonderSwan games that are available in English. It combines two separate Japanese games, Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer, and Digimon Adventure: Cathode Tamer, into one. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai and released exclusively in Japan for the WonderSwan Color handheld console. It is an expansion to Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit and contains many new features and characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon Battle Spirit is a fighting video game originally published by Bandai and developed by Dimps for the Japanese-only WonderSwan Color handheld system under the name Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit. Wikipedia