Plot: Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai and released exclusively in Japan for the WonderSwan Color handheld console. It is an expansion to Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit and contains many new features and characters. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon: Anode/Cathode Tamer is one of two Digimon WonderSwan games that are available in English. It combines two separate Japanese games, Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer, and Digimon Adventure: Cathode Tamer, into one. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon Racing is a racing video game developed by Griptonite Games and published by Bandai for the Game Boy Advance. Part of the Digimon media franchise and video game series, it utilizes Digimon's characters and elements. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon Digital Card Battle, originally released in Japan as Digimon World: Digital Card Arena, is a video game based on the Digimon Collectible Card Game for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Digimon Battle Spirit is a fighting video game originally published by Bandai and developed by Dimps for the Japanese-only WonderSwan Color handheld system under the name Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit. Wikipedia