Plot: Silver Strike Bowling is an arcade game that mimics ten-pin bowling on a monitor corresponding to a player's trackball control. The game shares similar technology with Golden Tee Golf, an arcade golf game: both are produced by Arlington Heights, Illinois-based Incredible Technologies, Inc. Wikipedia...
Plot: Capcom Bowling is a top down bowling simulation developed by Incredible Technologies and released to arcades in 1988 by Capcom. Up to 4 four players could play a single game playing alternately. Wikipedia
Plot: Pac-Man Plus is an arcade game that was released by Bally Midway on March 13, 1982, and it is the third title in the Pac-Man series of games. Wikipedia
Plot: Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders is a Sega arcade game developed by AM1 and released in 1997. The game was built on the List of Sega arcade system boards arcade hardware, and was officially the first one to use the Step 2.0 revision of the Model 3 hardware. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Invaders Extreme 2 is the sequel to Space Invaders Extreme. Space Invaders Extreme 2 features new content compared to its predecessor. A cut-down version of the game called Space Invaders Extreme Z has been made available on DSiWare for 500 Points. Wikipedia
Plot: The golden age of arcade video games was the period of rapid growth, technological development and cultural influence of arcade video games, from sometime in the 1970s until about 1983. Wikipedia