Plot: Galaga: Destination Earth, known in the Game Boy Color version as Galaga, is a 2000 3D video game, an update to the popular Golden Age arcade game, Galaga. It was developed by King of the Jungle and published by Hasbro Interactive and Majesco Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, and Game...
Plot: Galaxian3: Project Dragoon is a 3D rail shooter video game developed and published by Namco. It was originally a theme park attraction designed for the International Garden and Greenery Exposition in Japan, and was later released as an arcade game in 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Namco Museum DS is a classic arcade game compilation published by Namco Bandai Games. It was originally released for the Nintendo DS on September 18th, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Gaplus is a 1984 fixed shooter arcade game developed and released by Namco. It is the third game in the Galaxian series, serving as a direct sequel to Galaga. Wikipedia
Plot: Galaga '88 is a 1987 fixed shooter arcade game by Namco. It is the third sequel for Galaxian. It features significantly improved graphics over the previous games in the series, including detailed backgrounds, larger enemies and greater ship details. The game runs on Namco System 1 hardware. Wikipedia...
Plot: Galaga Legions DX is a 2011 twin-stick shooter video game developed and published by Namco Bandai Games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It is the sequel to Galaga Legions, and is the fourteenth entry in the Galaxian series. Wikipedia
Plot: Galaga 30th Collection is a 2011 video game compilation published for iOS devices by Namco Bandai Games. It was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Galaga. It allows users to play remakes of the games in the Galaxian series. It is free to download and comes with Galaga's predecessor, Galaxian...