Plot: Princess Connect! Re:Dive is a Japanese role-playing video game developed by Cygames. It was released in Japan on February 15, 2018 for Android and iOS devices. The game was announced in August 2016 as a sequel to Princess Connect!, which was released on February 18, 2015 and ended service in June...
Plot: Ensemble Girls! is a series of Japanese social network games developed by Happy Elements K.K. The games are all collectible card games with visual novel elements, mainly written by Japanese novelist Akira. It was first launched as a GREE game in November 2012, and was released for Android and iOS devices...
Plot: Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game created by Chinese developers Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, released in 2017 for the iOS and Android operating systems. Wikipedia
Plot: Arknights is a tower defense mobile game developed by Chinese developers Studio Montagne and Hypergryph. It was released in China on 1 May 2019, and worldwide on 16 January 2020 by Yostar. Arknights is available on iOS and Android platforms and features gacha game mechanics. Wikipedia
Plot: Fate/Grand Order is a free-to-play Japanese mobile game, developed by Delightworks using Unity, and published by Aniplex, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment Japan. The game is based on Type-Moon's Fate/stay night franchise, and was released in Japan on 29 July 2015 for Android, and on 12 August...