Plot: Chuzzle Deluxe is a tile-matching puzzle video game created by American studio Raptisoft Games, and published by PopCap Games. It is named after the multi-colored fuzzballs around which the game revolves. Wikipedia
Plot: Shadow Era is a free online digital collectible card game created by Vietnamese developer Wulven Studios. Cross platform gameplay is central to the digital versions design and it is supported on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. A physical version has also been released. Wikipedia
Plot: Jewel Quest is a tile-matching puzzle video game created and published by iWin. First released for Windows, it has been redeveloped for Symbian S60, the Nintendo DS, the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade and other platforms. iWin also released a series of sequels and spin-off games. Wikipedia
Plot: Zuma is a tile-matching puzzle video game published by PopCap Games. It was released for a number of platforms, including PDAs, mobile phones, and the iPod. Wikipedia
Plot: Bejeweled is a series of tile-matching puzzle video games created by PopCap Games. Bejeweled was released initially for browsers in 2001, followed by seven sequels: Bejeweled 2, Bejeweled Twist, Bejeweled ... Wikipedia
Plot: Doodle Jump is a platforming video game developed and published by American studio Lima Sky, for Windows Phone, iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Android, Java Mobile, Nokia Symbian, and Xbox 360 for the Kinect platform. Wikipedia
Plot: Candy Crush Saga is a free-to-play match-three puzzle video game released by King on April 12, 2012, for Facebook; other versions for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 10 followed. It is a variation of their browser game Candy Crush. Wikipedia