Plot: Creeper World is a tower defense real-time strategy video game developed by Knuckle Cracker. The player must survive the onslaught of the titular blue mass, known as Creeper, which rises up the playing field and attempts to destroy their base of operations, Odin City. Two expansions were subsequently...
Plot: GemCraft is a series of tower defense games created by Hungarian studio Game In A Bottle, in which magical gems are used as the primary means of offense and defense. The first game, titled GemCraft Chapter One: The Forgotten, is a tower defense flash game originally released on June 26, 2008. Wikipedia...
Plot: Revenge of the Titans is a tower defense/real-time strategy video game developed and published by Puppy Games. It was released for one of the five games included in the second Humble Indie Bundle in 2010. As a result of the success of the Humble Indie Bundle sale the source code of Revenge of the Titans...
Plot: Flash Element TD is a Flash-based tower defense browser game created by American developer David Scott and launched in January 2007. The game had been played over 140 million times as of March 2009. Wikipedia