Plot: Sopwith is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up created by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience in 1984. It was originally written to run on the IBM PC under MS-DOS. The game involves piloting a Sopwith biplane, attempting to bomb enemy buildings while avoiding fire from enemy planes and various other obstacles...
Plot: Liero is a video game for MS-DOS, first released by Finnish programmer Joosa Riekkinen in 1998. The game has been described as a real-time version of Worms. Liero is Finnish for earthworm and is pronounced. Inspired itself by the earlier game MoleZ, Liero provided inspiration for the later games Soldat...
Plot: C-Dogs, the sequel to Cyberdogs, is a shoot 'em up computer game where players work cooperatively during missions, and against each other in dogfight deathmatch mode. Wikipedia
Plot: The Quivering is a single-player horror/comedy themed video game, developed by Charybdis and released by Alternative Software on PC CD-ROM. The game is a sequel to Charybdis' earlier 1996 game Spud!. Wikipedia