Plot: Liero is a video game for MS-DOS, first released by Finnish programmer Joosa Riekkinen in 1998. The game has been described as a real-time version of Worms. Liero is Finnish for earthworm and is pronounced. Inspired itself by the earlier game MoleZ, Liero provided inspiration for the later games Soldat...
Plot: Monuments of Mars is a third-person puzzle platform video game developed by Scenario Software for DOS and published by Apogee Software. The game consists of four 20-level episodes, the first episode being shareware, the rest being commercial software. Wikipedia
Plot: Mystic Towers is a video game created by Australian developer Animation F/X and published by Manaccom domestically and Apogee Software internationally. Originally exclusive to DOS, it was re-released on Steam in 2015 with Windows and Mac OS support. Wikipedia
Plot: XF5700 Mantis Experimental Fighter is a space combat simulator developed by Paragon Software and published by MicroProse under their Microplay Software label for MS-DOS in 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Millennia: Altered Destinies is a PC game created by Take 2 Interactive in 1995. It casts the player as a human freighter captain who finds himself transported to an alien ship. Wikipedia
Plot: Megafortress is a flight simulation video game developed by Artech Digital Entertainment and released by Three-Sixty Pacific Inc in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Montezuma's Return! is a 1998 action/adventure video game and the sequel to the original Parker Brothers game Montezuma's Revenge. While the original game was a 2D platform game, the sequel was a 3D first-person puzzle platformer. Wikipedia