Plot: Quadrel is a puzzle video game developed by Loriciels and released during June 1991. It was released for MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari ST and Amstrad CPC Wikipedia
Plot: M.A.C.H. 3 is a LaserDisc shoot 'em up video game created by Gottlieb and released in arcades in the US in 1983 under their Mylstar brand. The player controls a high-speed fighter aircraft in one of two missions: either a Fighter Raid seen flying forward at low altitude or Bombing Run seen in a top...
Plot: Super Skweek is a puzzle game developed and published by the French company Loriciel. The game was released on multiple platforms in the early 1990s as a follow-up to 1989's Skweek. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Skweek is a puzzle game developed and published by the French company Loriciel. The game was released on multiple platforms in the early 1990s as a follow-up to 1989's Skweek. Wikipedia