Plot: Wrecking Crew '98 is a sequel to Wrecking Crew released in 1998 for the Super Famicom's Nintendo Power service. In this game, the goal is not to simply destroy all the panels, but to destroy more panels than your opponent.
Plot: Power Soukoban is a Super Famicom video game based off of the game Soukoban. The game, due to being released in 1999, wasn't released in America or Europe since the consoles had been discontinued in those territories and replaced by the Nintendo 64.
Plot: O-Chan no Oekaki Logic is a Japan-exclusive puzzle game based on the popular Picross game. The game is considered to be a spin-off of Sunsoft's Hebereke series. Its first release was on the PlayStation on September 8, 1995, and would later be ported onto other platforms ever since. The game has received...