Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective is a video game for the Game Boy Advance handheld console. Based on the manga and anime series YuYu Hakusho created by Yoshihiro Togashi, the plot follows the central character Yusuke Urameshi, a street-brawling, often truant teenager who dies trying to save a young...
Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament is a video game for the PlayStation 2 home game console. Based on the popular manga and anime series YuYu Hakusho created by Yoshihiro Togashi, Dark Tournament follows ... Wikipedia
Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho Makyō Tōitsusen is a 1994 fighting game developed by Treasure and published by Sega for the Mega Drive. It is based on the manga series Yu Yu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi. Wikipedia
Plot: Onimusha Tactics is a strategy/tactical role-playing game installment in the Onimusha series released for the Game Boy Advance as the first game in the series to be released for the Nintendo system. It does not follow the storyline of the previous PlayStation 2 games and is considered a side story....
Plot: Dark Arena is a first-person shooter video game for the Game Boy Advance. It was the first FPS game announced for the Game Boy Advance, but it was the fourth released. Another Game Boy Advance game, Cruis'n Velocity, used the same game engine. Wikipedia
Plot: Rebelstar: Tactical Command is a turn-based tactics video game developed by Codo Technologies and published by Namco for the Game Boy Advance in 2005. It's the fourth game in the Rebelstar series. Wikipedia
Plot: Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005, known as Yu-Gi-Oh! Day of the Duelist: World Championship Tournament 2005 in Europe and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International 2 in Japan, is a Yu-Gi-Oh! game for the Game Boy Advance. Light and Dark clash in a town where everyone waits...
Plot: Capcom Classics Collection is a compilation of arcade games released by Capcom for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox on September 27, 2005 in North America and in 2006 in Japan. It was developed by Digital Eclipse Software, Sensory Sweep, and its Japanese developer Klein Computer Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Sigma Star Saga is a 2005 hybrid science fiction role-playing-space-shooter developed by WayForward Technologies and published by Namco for the Game Boy Advance. The player explores a standard 2-D overworld, but is transported into space for side-scrolling shooter random battles. Wikipedia