Plot: Princess Lover! is a Japanese visual novel and the first title developed by Ricotta. It was first released as an eroge for Microsoft Windows on June 27, 2008, in both limited and regular editions, which was followed by an all-ages release for the PlayStation 2 on January 28, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Girls Beyond the Wasteland, often abbreviated as Shokomeza and also known as Girls Beyond the Youth Koya in Japan, is a visual novel developed by Minato Soft, released for Windows on March 25, 2016 with a rating for all ages. Wikipedia
Plot: Love, Election and Chocolate, abbreviated as Koichoco, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Sprite, which was released in Japan on October 29, 2010 for Windows PCs and later ported to the PlayStation Portable on September 27, 2012. Wikipedia