Plot: Imperium Romanum is a 2008 video game for Microsoft Windows developed by Haemimont Games and published by Kalypso Media. The game is a city-building game where players are governor of a province and must build and maintain a thriving and prosperous settlement. The game takes place during the time of...
Plot: X: Beyond the Frontier is a video game created by Egosoft for Windows. The first of the X series, it is a space trading and combat simulator game, mostly set in the fictional X-Universe. Upon release, it was frequently compared to the older Elite. An expansion, X-Tension, was released in 2000. Wikipedia...
Plot: X2: The Threat is a space simulation video game developed by Egosoft for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is part of the X series. It was released in 2003 and is a sequel to X: Beyond the Frontier. Wikipedia
Plot: X Rebirth is a single-player space trading and combat game developed by Egosoft, published by Deep Silver and Tri Synergy. It is the sixth installment in the X universe adventure video game series, following X3: Albion Prelude, as the new sequel to the last game title. Wikipedia
Plot: X3: Reunion is a single-player space trading and combat video game developed by Egosoft and published by Deep Silver. It is the third installment in the X series and the sequel to X2: The Threat, which in turn followed X: Beyond the Frontier. X3: Reunion was released originally for Windows in 2005....
Plot: X3: Terran Conflict is a space trading and combat simulator by German developer Egosoft, part of their X series of games. Described as a stand-alone game, based on X3: Reunion, it boasts new plot lines, features and assets. It was first released in October 2008 for the European market and Steam. Wikipedia...
Plot: X4: Foundations is a space trading and combat game developed and published by Egosoft. It is the seventh and most recent installment in the X adventure video game series, following X Rebirth. The game runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia