Plot: WWF No Mercy is a professional wrestling video game released in 2000 by THQ for the Nintendo 64. It is based on the World Wrestling Federation and is named after the company's annual event of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: WWE 2K17 is a professional wrestling video game developed by Yuke's and published by 2K Sports for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. It is the eighteenth game in the WWE game series, serving as the following from their previous game WWE 2K16, and followed by WWE...
Plot: WWE 2K18 is a professional wrestling video game developed by Yuke's and published by 2K Sports. It is the nineteenth installment in the WWE game series and a follow-up to WWE 2K17. It was released worldwide on October 17, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Wikipedia...
Plot: WWE 2K19 is a professional wrestling video game developed by Yuke's and published by 2K Sports. It was released worldwide on October 9, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It is the twentieth game made in the WWE game series, and the successor to WWE 2K18. Wikipedia