Plot: World Rally Fever: Born on the Road is a racing game created by Belgian developers Split alongside British developer Team17. The game was released by Team17 on May 5, 1996, and was originally published in the UK by Ocean Software. It was later re-released by Sold-Out Software. Wikipedia
Plot: World of Aden: Thunderscape is a 1995 swords & sorcery role-playing video game for DOS, developed by Strategic Simulations and published by Mindscape. Wikipedia
Plot: Where in America's Past Is Carmen Sandiego? is the 5th educational video game in the Carmen Sandiego series. It was produced by Broderbund and released in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Word Rescue is an educational platform DOS game written by Karen Crowther of Redwood Games and released by Apogee Software in March, 1992. It was re-released in 2015 for Steam with support for Windows and Mac OS. The game can also allow the player interact with a pair of Stereoscopic Vision Glasses...
Plot: The Prophecy is a point-and-click adventure game in a fantasy setting, developed by Coktel Vision and MDO, released in Europe in 1992 for MS-DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST. It was published by Sierra On-Line in North America in 1993. A German retail version was released. Wikipedia