Plot: World War II Combat: Road to Berlin, also known as Battlestrike: Secret Weapons, is a budget-priced first-person shooter, developed by Direct Action Games and published by Groove Games. It was panned reviewers as having shoddy control, and a rushed, unfinished feel. Wikipedia
Plot: Sniper: Art of Victory is a tactical shooter developed and published by City Interactive for Microsoft Windows. Set during World War II, the player assumes the role of a sniper ally from the Red Army that takes part in operations in the Eastern Front and Italy. Wikipedia
Plot: CTU: Marine Sharpshooter is a first-person shooter video game developed by Jarhead Games and published by Groove Games, released March 20, 2003. A sequel, Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare, was released in 2004. It was published on iOS by Groove Games, and was acquired by XMG Studio on March 22...
Plot: World War II Combat: Road to Berlin, also known as Battlestrike: Secret Weapons, is a budget-priced first-person shooter, developed by Direct Action Games and published by Groove Games. It was panned reviewers as having shoddy control, and a rushed, unfinished feel. Wikipedia