Plot: Gran Turismo is a series of racing simulation video games developed by Polyphony Digital. Developed for PlayStation systems, Gran Turismo games are intended to emulate the appearance and performance of a large selection of vehicles, most of which are licensed reproductions of real-world automobiles...
Plot: NBA 09: The Inside is a basketball simulation game developed by San Diego Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released on October 7, 2008 for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. The game includes all 30 NBA teams along with 14 of the 16 NBDL teams...
Plot: Mashed is a vehicular combat racing video game developed by Supersonic Software. The game was originally released in Europe for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows in June 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Cel Damage is a vehicular combat video game developed by Pseudo Interactive and published by Electronic Arts. The game was first released for Xbox on 14 November 2001, and for GameCube on 7 January 2002, in North America respectively. In Europe, the game launched for both consoles on 3 May 2002. Wikipedia...
Plot: Conflict: Global Terror is a tactical shooter video game developed by Pivotal Games and Synergenix and published by SCi Games and 2K Games for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Microsoft Windows. It is the fourth installment in the Conflict series. Wikipedia
Plot: Counter Terrorist Special Forces: Fire for Effect, known in North America as Special Forces: Nemesis Strike, is a third-person shooter video game by Asobo Studio for Microsoft Windows and Xbox. Players play as a counter-terrorism agency. Wikipedia
Plot: Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter is a helicopter simulator video game released for the Sony PlayStation 2, developed by ASK Corporation and published by Midas Interactive Entertainment. The game was released on March 29, 2001 in Japan, and November 15, 2002 for Europe. The game was never released in North...
Plot: Earache: Extreme Metal Racing is a budget Vehicular Combat title from UK developer Data Design Interactive and Metro 3D. It incorporates an Extreme metal music soundtrack from artists signed on the Earache Records record label as players race. It has been released on the PC and PlayStation 2. Wikipedia...
Plot: World Rally Championship is a racing video game series. To date, three series of video games with the official license have been released. Wikipedia