Plot: Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land is a 2001 PlayStation 2 role-playing video game and a spin-off of the Wizardry series, published by Atlus. It was released in Japan under the title Busin: Wizardry Alternative. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn is the third scenario in the Wizardry series of role-playing video games. It was published in 1983 by Sir-Tech. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls is a video game developed by Acquire and published by Xseed Games for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and iOS, followed later by a PC port. The game's Japanese title is Wizardry: Torawareshi Tamashii no MeikyΕ«. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna is the fourth scenario in the Wizardry series of role-playing video games. It was published in 1987 by Sir-Tech Software, Inc. The Return of Werdna is drastically different from the trilogy that precedes it. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds is the second game in the Wizardry series of role-playing video games. It was published in 1982 by Sir-Tech. Wikipedia
Plot: Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord is the first game in the Wizardry series of role-playing video games. It was developed by Andrew Greenberg and Robert Woodhead. In 1980, Norman Sirotek formed Sir-Tech Software, Inc. and launched a Beta version of the product at the 1980 Boston Computer...