Plot: Metal Mutant is a side-scrolling action-adventure game developed and published for MS-DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST by Silmarils and released in 1991. The game allows the player to transform at any time into three different robot forms: Cyborg, Dino, and Tank. The cover features an illustration by John...
Plot: Transarctica is a 1993 computer game made by the French company Silmarils for the Amiga and ported to the PC, Atari ST, Macintosh and Atari Falcon. Wikipedia
Plot: Crystals of Arborea is a medieval fantasy role-playing video game developed and published by Silmarils, and released in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS. The game is a precursor to the Ishar trilogy, a series also produced by Silmarils, and together they were re-distributed as the Ishar Compilation...
Plot: Robinson's Requiem is a 1994 survival simulation video game developed and originally published by Silmarils exclusively in Europe for the Atari ST, Atari Falcon and Amiga. Wikipedia
Plot: Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity is a 1994 role-playing video game developed and published by Silmarils. It is part of the Ishar series of games, and a sequel to Ishar 2: Messengers of Doom. Wikipedia