Plot: Revolution '76 is a 1989 simulation/strategy game by Britannica Software designed for Apple IIGS and IBM PC. The game was written by former Sid Meier colleague, Ed Bever. The title is a simulation of the economic, social and political conditions at the commencement of the American Revolutionary War...
Plot: Reader Rabbit 3 is a 1993 educational video game, part of the Reader Rabbit franchise. It was released for DOS that year, but was released for Windows and Macintosh in 1994 under the title Reader Rabbit 3 Deluxe!. Wikipedia
Plot: Rings of Medusa is a fantasy-themed video game developed and published by Starbyte Software for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64 and DOS in 1989. The game is a hybrid of role-playing, strategy and trading genres. It has received mixed reviews. The game was followed by a sequel, The Return of Medusa...
Plot: StarRay is a computer game developed by Hidden Treasures and published by Logotron in 1988. Released for the Amiga, Atari ST, and Commodore 64, the game is an update on the concept of 1981 arcade game Defender, with faster gameplay and more detailed graphics and sound. Wikipedia
Plot: Realms of Chaos is a platform game written for DOS, published by Apogee Software as shareware. The game was authored by Keith Schuler, who had previously designed Paganitzu, and was originally to be a sequel entitled Alabama Smith and the Bloodfire Pendant. It is still sold by Apogee. Wikipedia
Plot: Hare Raising Havoc is a side-scrolling puzzle adventure game developed by BlueSky Software in 1991 for the Amiga and MS-DOS. Disney Software published the game. It is a spin-off of the 1988 Disney/Amblin film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Wikipedia