Plot: Jennifer Capriati Tennis is a Sega Genesis video game developed by System Sacom and released in 1992. In 1994 it was released in the classic range by Sega as Grandslam. The game is named after Jennifer Capriati, one of the world's top-ranked female tennis players at the WTA Tour during the time of...
Plot: Sampras Tennis 96 is a 1995 tennis video game developed by Codemasters. It is the sequel to Pete Sampras Tennis. Like its predecessor, it was one of the few titles released on the J-Cart format, which provided two additional controller ports for multiplayer games. Wikipedia
Plot: David Crane's Amazing Tennis is a tennis simulation video game developed and published by Absolute Entertainment for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis consoles in 1992. The game was also made available for the Nintendo Super System. Wikipedia
Plot: World Championship Soccer 2 is an association football video game released for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive systems in 1994, as a sequel to World Championship Soccer. The player can choose between many different worldwide football teams. Wikipedia
Plot: Pete Sampras Tennis is a sports video game, developed by Zeppelin Games and published by Codemasters. It was followed by Sampras Tennis 96 for Sega's 16-bit console and later by Pete Sampras Tennis '97, released for the PlayStation and Windows/DOS. Wikipedia
Plot: Andre Agassi Tennis is a tennis video game released in 1992, starring tennis legend Andre Agassi. The game was released for the Super NES, Genesis, Master System and Game Gear. It enjoyed a much belated release for mobile phones. Wikipedia
Plot: Unnecessary Roughness '95 is a 1994 American football video game for MS-DOS and the Sega Genesis. Other entries in the series are Unnecessary Roughness and Unnecessary Roughness '96. Wikipedia
Plot: Australian Rugby League is a 1995 rugby league video game developed by I-Space Interactive and published by EA's EA Sports label for the Sega Mega Drive only in European and Australian markets. It is based on Rugby World Cup '95 by Creative Assembly, but using the rugby league rules instead of rugby...