Plot: Coffee Talk is a visual novel developed by Indonesian indie studio Toge Productions, and released on 29 January 2020 for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game was released in Japan for Nintendo Switch a day later on 30 January 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Papers, Please is a puzzle simulation video game created by indie game developer Lucas Pope, developed and published through his production company, 3909 LLC. The game was released on August 8, 2013 for Microsoft Windows and OS X, for Linux on February 12, 2014 and for iOS on December 12, 2014. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ao Oni is a freeware role-playing horror video game. The game features puzzle and RPG elements, and revolves around a boy named Hiroshi, who is trapped with his friends in a haunted mansion, and is stalked by a monster. Wikipedia
Plot: Ib is a freeware adventure video game with elements of psychological horror released in 2012 for Microsoft Windows by the Japanese artist Kouri, running on RPG Maker 2000. Players control the titular character from a top-down perspective with the goal of escaping an eldritch art museum. Wikipedia
Plot: Among the Sleep is a first-person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Norwegian developer Krillbite Studio for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It was released on 29 May 2014 in North America for the PC. Wikipedia