Plot: Extra Innings is a 1991 traditional baseball simulation video game released for the Super NES. The game features 12 fictional teams composed of their own fictional players, drawn in an anime style. Wikipedia
Plot: Snow White: Happily Ever After is a North America-exclusive video game that was released in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was targeted for female video game players. It is based on the 1990 animated Filmation movie Happily Ever After, and not the 1937 Disney film. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mecarobot Golf is an arcade-style golf video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was originally released in Japan as Serizawa Nobuo no Birdie Try. The general theme of Mecarobot Golf is a near-futuristic golf course where humanoid robots are considered to be second-class...
Plot: Street Hockey '95 is a roller hockey video game for the Super NES released in 1994 to an exclusively North American market. This video game takes place in an urban environment. Instead of ice, the players play on cement and instead of ice skates, they use rollerblades. Wikipedia
Plot: Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans is a 2D platform game released exclusively in North America for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: War 3010: The Revolution is a turn-based strategy video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, developed by American studio Advanced Productions, that takes place in the year 3010. It was released in 1996 to an exclusively North American market. It is the sequel to War 2410. Wikipedia