Plot: Abobo's Big Adventure is a freeware parody flash game. Inspired by various video games released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, the game features Abobo, a boss character from the Double Dragon franchise, traveling through the worlds of several different games to save his son. Wikipedia
Plot: QWOP is a 2008 ragdoll-based browser video game created by Bennett Foddy, formerly the bassist of Cut Copy. Players control an athlete named Qwop using only the Q, W, O, and P keys. The game became an internet meme in December 2010. The game helped Foddy's site reach 30 million hits. Wikipedia
Plot: Earn to Die 2 is a mobile game developed by Russian indie studio Toffee Games. Earn to Die 2 sees a departure from the familiar desert setting of the original game, and delves into the depths of cities overrun by zombies. Wikipedia