Plot: Audition Online, also known as X-BEAT in Japan and popularly called AyoDance in Indonesia, is a free-to-play multiplayer online casual rhythm game produced by T3 Entertainment. It was originally released in South Korea in 2004 and has been localized by various publishers around the world. Wikipedia
Plot: Crazy Arcade is a free Korean online multiplayer game developed by Nexon. It has offered up to five different game modes throughout its history: Bomb and Bubbles, Tetris, Hidden Catch, Dizzy Pang, and Bz. However, the latter four were eventually removed from the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Mole's World is a simulation video game for the iOS, published by Chinese video game developer Taomee, which also developed Mole Kart. This game is a derivative version of the PC version of Mole Manor, and it is one of the most popular games in Asia, with over 100 million registered users. Wikipedia...
Plot: Crazyracing KartRider is an online multiplayer racing game developed by Nexon Korea Corporation. It is part of the Crazy Arcade franchise. It earns revenue by selling virtual items within the in-game shop, including different types of vehicles and spraypaints. Wikipedia
Plot: Lineage is a medieval fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game franchise by the South Korean video game developer NCSoft. It has become highly popular in South Korea with subscriptions counting into the millions, but is also available in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and English-language...
Plot: Hero of Robots is a Taiwanese trading card arcade game developed by International Games System and published by SNK that debuted in 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Dynasty Warriors Online, known as Shin Sangoku Musou Online in Japan, was a massively-multiplayer online game originally released for Microsoft Windows in Japan in 2006, and for PlayStation 3 on February 18, 2010. Wikipedia