Plot: Konami Wai Wai Sokoban is a game of wits, Sokoban style mobile phone game which was published by Konami only in Japan in the i-mode platform and Yahoo! Keitai. It is the fourth game in the Konami Wai Wai series, and as it is traditional, it brings together popular characters from other Konami games...
Plot: Arlington Horse Racing is a horse racing arcade game released by Strata / Incredible Technologies in 1990, based on the Arlington Park race track. Wikipedia
Plot: Tehkan Gridiron Fight is a one or two-player American football arcade video game released in 1985 by Tehkan. It was released in a cocktail cabinet form factor. Wikipedia
Plot: Azurian Attack is a fixed shooter released in arcades by New Zealand-based Rait Electronics in 1982. The game features similar graphics and sounds to Galaxian, except the player-controlled fighter can move in eight directions. Wikipedia
Plot: Beach Festival World Championship 1997 is a beach volleyball arcade game released by South Korean company Comad in 1997. It features international teams of women and men volleyball players contesting the World Beach Ball Championships. Wikipedia