Plot: Brawlout is a fighting game developed and published by Angry Mob Games for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game was revealed at EVO in July 2016, and went into closed beta in December 2016. The game was initially released as early access for Microsoft Windows on...
Plot: Indie Pogo is an indie crossover fighting video game developed and published by Lowe Bros. Studios. The game features characters and settings from more than 50 different indie games, such as Shovel Knight, VVVVVV, Teslagrad, the Bit.Trip series, and Freedom Planet. Wikipedia
Plot: Rivals of Aether is a fighting game created by Dan Fornace, and released for Microsoft Windows in March 2017, for Xbox One in August 2017, and for Nintendo Switch on September 24, 2020. It received positive reception from critics, who commended its deep gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Project M is a mod of the 2008 fighting game Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii, created by the community group known as the Project M Development Team. Wikipedia
Plot: Bless Unleashed is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Round 8 Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One in 2020. It is a reboot of Bless Online. Similarly, Unleashed uses a free-to-play business model. Wikipedia
Plot: The Outfoxies is a 1995 weapon-based fighting arcade game developed and published in Japan by Namco. Controlling one of seven assassins, players are tasked with defeating opponents with different types of weapons, while also avoiding different obstacles brought on by various stage gimmicks. Wikipedia...
Plot: Rising Thunder was a cancelled free-to-play fighting game developed by Radiant Entertainment. Originally released in alpha state in 2015, the game closed following the acquisition of Radiant Entertainment by Riot Games. Wikipedia
Plot: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a 2012 crossover fighting video game developed by SuperBot Entertainment, in conjunction with Bluepoint Games, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Wikipedia