Plot: Survivor: The Interactive Game, also simply known as Survivor, is a 2001 adventure video game for the PC, based on the American version of the TV series Survivor. Developed by Magic Lantern, it was published by Infogrames on November 12, 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Basket Master is the European version name of the computer basketball game Fernando Martín Basket Master developed by Dinamic during 1987. Some versions, like C64 one, were developed by Imagine It features Fernando Martín, a popular Spanish basketballer in the eighties. He was the first Spaniard...
Plot: Army Moves is a scrolling shooter game developed by Dinamic Software for the Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MSX and ZX Spectrum. It is the first chapter of the Moves Trilogy and it was followed by Navy Moves in 1987 and Arctic Moves in 1995. Wikipedia