Plot: Steel Beasts is the name for a family of tank simulators created by eSim Games for Microsoft Windows. Its subject is contemporary combined arms tactics at a company scale. As a consumer game, it is a genre mix of strategy game, action game, simulation game, and wargame of fairly complex gameplay. Wikipedia...
Plot: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance is an expansion pack to Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. It was developed by Bohemia Interactive, authors of the original game, and published by Codemasters. Wikipedia
Plot: Operation Flashpoint is a series of military simulation games. The first game, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and its expansion Operation Flashpoint: Resistance, was developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio. Wikipedia
Plot: Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer is an expansion pack to Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. It was developed by Codemasters. Red Hammer depicts the same conflict as Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, but places the player in the role of a Soviet soldier, Dmitri Lukin, rather than a U.S. soldier...
Plot: ARMA is a series of first-person tactical military shooters, originally released for Microsoft Windows. It features large elements of realism and simulation; a blend of large-scale military conflict spread across large areas alongside the more close quartered battles. Wikipedia
Plot: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a tactical shooter video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developed by British game developer Codemasters. Codemasters has advertised the game as a tactical shooter designed to represent modern infantry combat realistically. Wikipedia
Plot: Gravon: Real Virtuality is a 1995 video game developed by Suma. The game originally was released for Atari Falcon and later ported to Microsoft Windows in 2013 and packed as a bonus game to Take On Mars. The famous game Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is considered to be a spiritual successor...
Plot: Take On Helicopters is a video game developed by Bohemia Interactive. It was released 27 October 2011 for Microsoft Windows, with its first official downloadable content .V D4, Take On Helicopters: Hinds being released 15 March 2012. The DLC features three different versions of the Mi-24 Hind. Wikipedia...
Plot: Operation Flashpoint: Red River is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Codemasters for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the sequel to the previous game Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Wikipedia
Plot: Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is a tactical shooter and battlefield simulator video game developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio and published by Codemasters in 2001. In 2011, Bohemia Interactive re-released the game under the title ARMA: Cold War Assault. Wikipedia