Plot: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side is a female-oriented dating sim video game released by Konami for the PlayStation 2 game console on June 20, 2002. It was also rereleased with enhancements for the Nintendo DS as Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 1st Love on February 15, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss is the 2006 sequel to Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side and the fifth main game in Konami's Tokimeki Memorial dating sim series. An enhanced port to the Nintendo DS featuring additional content and titled Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Season was released in...
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial 3: Yakusoku no Ano Basho de is a dating sim developed and published by Konami and the third game in the Tokimeki Memorial series. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial is a dating simulation series by Konami. It consists of six main games in addition to many spin-offs. The games are notable in the dating sim genre for being highly nonlinear. Their nickname amongst their fans is the contraction TokiMemo. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial 4 is a dating sim developed and published by Konami and the fourth game in the Tokimeki Memorial series. It is also the first original game in the series to debut on a portable system. The game celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Tokimeki Memorial franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial 2 is a dating sim developed and published by Konami and the second game in the Tokimeki Memorial series. Tokimeki Memorial 2 was released for the PlayStation in 1999. Wikipedia